
Bibliographic Details

bibliobibuli / ビブリオビブリ
Shinzo Shimao & Tokuko Ushioda / 島尾伸三 & 潮田登久子
Futoshi Miyagi / ミヤギフトシ
Ema Otobe / 乙部恵磨
Ryosuke Saiki / 佐伯亮介
Osamu Kushida / 櫛田 理
Tokuko Ushioda / 潮田登久子
w148 × h210 × d10mm
300 g
128 page
Japanese / English , 日本語 / 英語
Hardcover / ハードカバー
Limited Edition of 2500 copies / 限定2500部
As New / 新品

Sales Cooperation by 無印良品 MUJI BOOKS / Printing and Binding by TOSHO PRINTING CO., LTD. 図書印刷株式会社

I have been reading a book in her photographs.
-Shinzo Shimao

This book is an integrated re-edit of two books, "Views of the books bibliotheca" (2017) and "Views of the books bibliotheca Photo Notes" (2021), both published by USHIMAODA, with commentary by Shinzo Shimao on 40 photographs, including those not included in "Views of the books bibliotheca". The book is a bilingual edition with commentary by Shinzo Shimao on each of the 40 photographs, including those not included in "bibliotheca".

The impetus for this book came from wrapping paper: around January 2022, while preparing for the launch of FRAGILE BOOKS, the idea of "wrapping paper for book gifts" occurred to me, and the plan for wrapping paper for the "Views of the books" that Tokuko Ushioda had been photographing as her life work suddenly came to mind, We stormed into Ms. Ushioda, who was having an exhibition of "My Husband" at PGI in Nishi-Azabu at the exact same time, and asked her about it.

Tokuko Ushioda smiled and said, "It's very interesting and expansive. I was also charmed by their unpretentious personalities, and we discussed the idea of creating a book on the spot.

After that, we visited their home many times for interviews and meetings. Each time, Tokuko Ushioda carried a heavy archive box from the second floor, and as I looked at the prints, I was captivated by Shinzo Shimao's chat, which may or may not be true. In this book, each of Tokuko Ushioda's photographs is accompanied by a commentary by Shinzo Shimao, and the book is full of personal episodes that have never been revealed before, and that remind us of  Shinzo Shimao's father Toshio Shimao and mother Miho Shimao.
We wanted to make this book because we found it extremely interesting that behind the scenes of "books as objects," which Tokuko Ushioda has photographed as her life's work, her husband, Shinzo Shimao, has continued to "read books" based solely on Tokuko Ushioda's photographs. In this book, the two of them have their own unique view of the book.

At the end of the book, there is a footnote page full of miscellaneous information for book lovers as a tribute to "Views of the books bibliotheca Photo Notes". In addition to words about books, you can experience what kind of methods Shinzo Shimao usually uses to read the books in Tokuko Ushioda's photographs.

When we worked on photo exhibitions and books, we gave our printed images arbitrary nicknames. This is because you can communicate faster than using a number. This book is about the two of us. Just as you can feel the personality of the owner in a photo of a refrigerator with no people in it, I think you can feel the spirit of the times and characters from the "scenery with books" and the history and stories hidden therein. And how much we enjoy photography. 
(Excerpt from the preface of the same book)    

The book is the first in the BON BOOK series to use the small-font dyeing technique, which is in keeping with Tokuko Ushioda's subject matter of "books as objects. The book is printed and bound by Tosho Printing Co,.Ltd. This is the 15th book published by BONBOOK, which has welcomed a variety of authors across genres, including manga artist Fumiko Takano, poet Takashi Hiraide, and Kazunari Hattori, who also designed the FRAGILE BOOKS logo.

Text by Ema Otobe

>Click here for Tokuko Ushioda's artist page.
>Click here to purchase onion skin posters. (link to be pasted)

Tokuko Ushioda
Born in Tokyo in 1940. Studied under Yasuhiro Ishimoto and Seiji Otsuji at Kuwasawa Design School, graduating in 1963. From 1966 to 1978, she taught photography at Kuwasawa Design School and Tokyo Zokei University. Major awards include the Ken Domon Award for his "Book View/BIBLIOTHECA" series (2018), the Japan Photographic Society Award for Artists, the Higashikawa Award for Domestic Artists, and the Kuwasawa Special Award. His latest book is "My Husband" torch press (2022).
Shinzo Shimao
Shinzo Shimao was born in 1948. Graduated from Tokyo Zokei University in 1974 with a major in photography. In 1978, he married Tokuko Ushioda. They live in China. They began reporting on the lives of ordinary people in Hong Kong and have continued to do so to this day. Their books include "Monsoon" and "Living" (both 1995), "Maho-chan" (2004), and "WANDERING IN CHINA" (2008).
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