Rivotorto Pieces
小島沙織 / Saori Cojima
Born in 1987. Born in Chiba, Japan, he completed his master's degree in design at Tokyo University of the Arts in 2013. Designer. He also works as a katazome artist under the influence of his grandfather, Kojima Tokujiro.
島田耕希 / Koki Shimada
1986年、生まれ。埼玉県出身。2012年に東京藝術大学デザイン科を卒業。デザイナー。フライヤー、書籍、 WEBなど主にグラフィックデザインを小島と協業するとともに、創作行為の探求として作品制作を続ける。
Born in 1986 in Saitama, Japan. Graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts in 2012. He is a designer. He collaborates with Kojima on graphic design, mainly flyers, books, and websites, and continues to create works as an exploration of the act of creation.